IVC Evidensia and SageTech Veterinary have been working together to pilot the capture of waste anaesthetic agents, which contribute approximately 20% of the combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions of a veterinary practice. A single site study at Bath Vet Referrals demonstrated that SageTech Veterinary’s volatile anaesthetic capture device – ‘VET-Dock’ – can capture up to 87% of this waste depending on clinical anaesthetic practice, preventing its direct release to the atmosphere. 40 VET-Docks have been installed across 15 IVC sites to assess the technology.
‘I was astonished when I heard about the massive carbon footprint that volatile anaesthetic gases have. SageTech’s technology was quick to have installed and is easy to use, I am delighted that we have been able to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions so simply’.
– David Nutbrown Hughes of IVC Evidensia’s Rowe Veterinary Referrals
Learn more about IVC Evidensia: www.ivcevidensia.co.uk.